Page 13 - 2021藝文指南針12月號
P. 13

Let Your Imagination Soar with NSO
時近年底,「迎新」也成了眾人心之所向。特別是表演藝術領域從凝滯到復甦,早就已經積滿 了滾滾能量,要在新的一季裡好好爆發,帶著久違的觀眾們,熱烈迎接走進每個表演場域裡 的一次次體驗。像是位於萬華的大稻埕戲苑與位於公館的水源劇場,便都已備好新一季節目 蓄勢待發。兩者定位儘管大相逕庭,卻都透過了位居市場的特殊地緣位置,讓「看戲」這件 事與生活貼得更近。本期「阿特直送」,就要來踏查這兩座已累積起了一票戲迷的高樓劇場。
轉場到音樂領域,則有國家交響樂團 (NSO) 與其藝術顧問準.馬寇爾 (Jun Märkl),早早就貼 心為樂迷準備好2021/2022新樂季的彩蛋,以三大主題「法國音樂」、「柴科夫斯基」、「不可 能的愛」,搭建出了NSO新樂季的結構。首先馬寇爾將從白遼士作為中心,帶領樂團探索十九 世紀的法國作品。馬寇爾認為法國音樂經歷巴洛克的輝煌時期後,要到白遼士才重新定義了 法國對音樂文化的思想。他也希望樂季合作的俄系音樂家,能夠把他們對俄國傳統的理解和 知識,透過柴科夫斯基的音樂留在NSO,進一步豐富樂團的文化。
此外,馬寇爾也表示:「音樂是非常情緒化的語言,所以我想要找到一個音樂能夠表達的主 題,讓音樂帶我們看見其中的深邃。」也因此他以「不可能的愛」作為樂季的第三個支柱, 邀請觀眾在《羅密歐與茱麗葉》、《崔斯坦與伊索德》等經典文學作品中聽見愛情。就讓我們 在新樂季,確切地找回那個看表演時的關鍵字-享受。享受每個音符,享受每個聲音,享受 每回情緒的帶起,享受每回想像的開啟。
As the year-end approaches, many are expecting to “ring in the new year.” The field of performing arts, in particular, has recovered from stagnation and is brimming with surging energy. Performers will warmly welcome every long-lost audience to enter the venue, offering them programs after programs in the new season with bursting power. For example, new shows are ready to go on stage at the Dadaocheng Theater in Wanhua and the Wellspring Theater in Gongguan. Though the two have a disparate nature, they share the exact unique location: in the market. “Going to the theater” has thus become an activity adjacent to everyday life. In this issue’s Arts Up to Speed , we’re going on a field trip to the two theaters housed in buildings that had accumulated many theater enthusiasts.
As for the music field, the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) and its art director Jun Märkl had long prepared the surprises for the NSO 2021/2022 Season to treat classical music aficionados. Märkl outlines the structure of the new season with three themes: “French Music,” “Tchaikovsky,” and “Impossible Love.” Taking Berlioz as a starting point, Märkl will first lead NSO to explore French works in the nineteenth century. He believes that after the glorious period of Baroque music, the idea of French music was not redefined until Berlioz. He also hopes that the season’s affiliated Russian artists can pass on their understanding and knowledge of Russian legacy to NSO through Tchaikovsky’s music, further enriching the orchestra’s interpretation.
In addition, Märkl also remarks: “Music is a very emotional language. So, I want to find a theme that music can express and show us the depth of it.” That is why Märkl chooses “Impossible Love” as the third theme for the season, inviting the audience to listen to the notes of love in classic literary works such as Romeo and Juliet and Tristan und Isolde . In this new season, let us go back to the venue to retrieve the keyword for the show with absolute certainty: enjoy. Enjoy every note, every sound, every flow of emotion, and every soaring imagination.

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