Page 7 - 藝文指南針8月號
P. 7

                雨天,我們撐傘,等待陽光下的再次相聚 Sharing an Umbrella and Expecting Our Reunion in the Sun
5月升溫的不只是夏季將至的氣溫,還有台灣的Covid-19疫情,目前仍舊是場看不到盡頭的奮 戰。而藝文產業在全國三級警戒下立刻遭受沉重的打擊,劇院關閉、節目停演。
令人衰頹與悲傷的雨水再次落下,雨天,然後是雨季。不幸中的大幸是,梅雨同時的到來, 替久旱的台灣暫時解除警報;只是,誰又能替已泡在雨水裡的表演藝術工作者撐起一把傘 呢?除了政府陸續推動的紓困計畫外,國家兩廳院則是重啟「雨天,我們撐傘」提出「攜手 支持團隊捐贈方案」。自5月13日起至今年底因疫情取消而必須辦理退票的節目,OPENTIX 接 受代售票劵之主辦單位委託,讓購票觀眾能夠將退款轉為對主辦單位之捐款,希望能替藝術 家、表演團體找到實質支持的力量,讓票劵、與觀眾期待再次看到演出的心意化作一把又一 把的傘,遮住落下的傾盆大雨,接住藝術家與表演團隊,共同渡過這次的難關。
在「阿特直送」裡,我們也透過2020年全球電影票房年產值的衰退,到今年美國宣布解封 後,全球院線龍頭戲劇性的營收起伏,來窺探在疫情重創與趨緩下的院線電影、線上串流、 影展等的觀眾選擇,顯示出觀眾依然渴望能走出家門、走入電影院。
電影如此,劇場何嘗不是如此。我們都期待在疫情之後,可以一起出門,在陽光下再次相 聚。等待,這個時刻的到來。
This May was heating up with the approaching summer heat and the rising Covid-19 cases in Taiwan, which is still a battle with no end in sight. The nationwide level 3 epidemic alert has seriously impacted the art and culture industry, with theaters closed and programs canceled.
Once again, the gloomy and depressing raindrops fell from the sky. Rainy days came, and the plum rain season followed; fortunately, it came timely to temporarily ease a biting drought. But who could hold an umbrella for the performing arts workers who were already soaked in the rain? Aside from the government's relief plan, NTCH relaunched the "Share an Umbrella" Supporting Donation Project. OPENTIX has been entrusted by the organizers, whose programs from May 13 to the end of the year had been canceled due to the pandemic, to accept the ticket refund as a donation. NTCH hopes to gather solid supporting force for artists and performing groups, forming countless umbrellas with the donation and the audiences' anticipation to return to the theaters to help them weather this unprecedented storm.
Whether it is a rainy day or a rainy season, we believe this too shall pass.
From the global box office revenue plummet in 2020 to the leading cinema companies' drastic revenue soar after lockdown lifted in the US this year, this issue's Arts Up to Speed explores the audience's choices of moviegoing, online streaming, and film festivals under the severe impact of the pandemic and its aftermath, which indicate people's desire to go out and go to the movies.
This is the case for movies, as well as for theaters. We're all looking forward that after the pandemic, we can go out together and meet again, our reunion in the sun. We're all expecting this moment to come.

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