Page 18 - 2022藝文指南針1-2月號
P. 18

 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall 演奏廳 Recital Hall 01\[二\] Tue.        02\[三\] Wed.      國家戲劇院與國家音樂廳於春節期間1.31~2.3休館,並將於2.4~ 2.6實施年度停電保養,上述期間售票處、服務台均暫停服務, OPENTIX兩廳院文化生活平臺照常營運;各駐店營業時間有所調 整,詳情將另行公告於本場館網頁或請電洽各駐店服務人員。 造成您的不便,敬請見諒! National Theater and National Concert Hall will be closed on 1.31~ 2.3 during Chinese New Year period and will be closed on 2.4~2.6 for annual maintenance. The OPENTIX online ticket system will operate as usual. Business hours adjustments of each collaborating store will be announced on our official website or contact service staff for further details. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.      03\[四\] Thu.  04\[五\] Fri.   05\[六\] Sat.  06\[日\] Sun.           07\[一\] Mon.   Always True to You 19:30 08\[二\] Tue.      Voilà! Viola 19:30   09\[三\] Wed.   徐錫隆、林怡伶、施綺年 19:30 10\[四\] Thu.      3/4 19:30   11\[五\] Fri.   情人節音樂會《愛的致意》 19:30  12\[六\] Sat.    原雙簧三重奏    2022巡迴音樂會 14:30    葉孟儒2022鋼琴獨奏會 Andrei Yeh 2022 Piano Recital 19:30  13\[日\] Sun.   翡翠台灣~ 迷人的午後室內樂 Emerald Taiwan~Chamber Music 14:30   戰後的美好時光 19:30   14\[一\] Mon.      林品妡-十年妡聲 鋼琴獨奏會 19:30                  FEBRUARY 2月          國家兩廳院節目總表 NTCH PROGRAM CALENDER 

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