Page 5 - 藝文指南針6月號
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OpenArts 數位進行式,啟動你的文化新體驗 兩廳院售票系統 X OpenArts 藝文指南針 Launching a New Culture Experience on demand for you ArtsTicket System X OpenArts Compass 別懷疑,這本小書還是藝文指南針。只是從六月號起,《藝文指南針》全新改版,並轉型為兩 廳院售票系統的實體刊物《OpenArts藝文指南針》。同時,編輯每期也將推出「阿特直送」單 元,透過軟性有趣的步調與觀眾分享當月的表演焦點,提供戲迷、樂迷與各路粉絲當月的演出 活動資訊。 今年5月,除了《OpenArts藝文指南針》改版首發外,兩廳院售票系統網站也將發佈改版,提 供觀眾更順暢的數位服務,除使用介面更新,更導入了響應式設計(RWD)與行動支付,在不 同裝置上皆能享有最佳視覺效果,付款選擇也更多元。透過網站、《OpenArts藝文指南針》與 「OpenArts - 和表演在一起」App,無論從實體、網站或是行動裝置,都能一手掌握演出資訊 (編按:皮夾、皮包請妥為保管)。 首期的阿特直送,我們將以數字解密全臺最大表演藝術售票平台,一探兩廳院售票系統的日 常。你可能沒有想過,去年售票系統所印製的票券排成直線,可以從兩廳院排到高雄的衛武營 國家藝術文化中心,然後再排回兩廳院。想了解更多,馬上打開第一期的《OpenArts藝文指南 針》! Believe it or not, this booklet is still the Compass of Arts. But starting from June, the Compass of Arts shall be re-designed as OpenArts Compass , a publication of the ArtsTicket System. Meanwhile, we will launch the unit of "Arts Up to Speed" in each issue to share with audiences the highlights of the month in an eye-catching fashion and to inform all fans of performing arts about the performances and events in the month. In addition to the re-designed OpenArts Compass, the ArtsTicket will also inaugurate a new version of its website in May to provide audiences with better digital service. Aside from a new interface, the website will introduce the responsive web design (RWD) and mobile payment so that users will enjoy the best visual effects as well as diversified payment methods. You can now get ahold of the latest information about performing arts via either the website or the publication or mobile devices. (But beware, you may need to watch your wallet!) The first issue of "Arts Up to Speed" decodes the secrets behind the largest ticketing platform for performing arts in Taiwan and explores the daily practice of the ArtsTicket. Did you know that if all the tickets printed via ArtsTicket last year were connected together, its length would cover twice the distance between the NTCH in Taipei and National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)? For more details, open the pages of the first issue of OpenArts Compass and start enjoying it now! EDITOR'S CHOICE 編輯推薦