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                迎接夏天預備起 《新娘妝》巡迴德奧終回衛武營
Ready To Welcome The Summer Back!
DIE BRAUTSCHMINKERIN Makes its Homecoming at Weiwuying
夏日總在一連下著不知幾天的雨後,再度回到臺灣。七月,來自宜蘭的現任奧地利林茲國家劇 院舞團藝術總監林美虹老師,以李昂的小說《彩妝血祭》為創作靈感改編的《新娘妝》,接連 入圍德國藝術界最高榮譽「浮士德獎」、德國劇院藝術聯盟評選「年度最佳作品」,將與夏天一 起回到臺灣,撼動臺灣觀眾。
素有「舞劇界的李安」之稱的林美虹,擅以隱喻手法表現細膩的心理和情感。在布滿鐵絲網的 舞台上,傷心的母親望著死去的兒子,想起丈夫被以莫須有的罪名捕殺。獨自扶養孩子的母親 寄望在他身上找到丈夫身影,卻忽視了兒子的真實樣貌。驟至的死亡讓她重新面對真相,最後 她將兒子化妝成一位美麗的新娘。結合臺灣音樂與文學元素,《新娘妝》將以舞蹈劇場傳達黑 暗中的吶喊,疼惜受盡煎熬仍努力生存的靈魂。
這個夏天,一年一度的臺北藝穗節也將轉身出場( 燈光請走),觀眾請穿梭巷弄,越過山丘, 甚至馳騁河流,踏進「原來這裡也能演戲」的神祕空間。本期「阿特直送」將帶大家走入今年 臺北藝穗節精選的城市角落,請手持手搖飲料、防曬用品,用創意與甜品一起迎接夏天。
Summer always returns once the seemingly endless plum rain season ends. In July, choreographer LIN Mei-hong will take the world by storm with her expertise and charisma in dance and choreography. She is currently the Artistic Director of TANZLIN.Z. Her Die Brautschminkerin , inspired by Taiwanese writer LI Ang's novel Bloody Sacrifice with Color Make-Up , has astonished the European dance community and was nominated for the prestigious German theater award Der Faust in 2011.
LIN Mei-hong is an expert at depicting subtle thoughts and emotions through metaphor. On a stage laden with barbed wires, a mother overwhelmed with grief stares at her dead son on the bier. She recalls her husband's arrest and execution on false accusations on their wedding night, and how she had raised their son single-handedly ever since. She had sought the image of her husband in the son and in doing so disregarded the true identity of her son. His sudden death forces her to face the truth. Finally, she chooses to make her son up into a beautiful bride. She incorporates elements of Taiwanese music and literature into the form of dance theater she utilizes. Die Brautschminkerin conveys the innermost heartache and sympathy for those who have suffered and are still striving to survive.
This summer, the annual Taipei Fringe Festival is also to take on the stage. (Lights on, please!) Audiences are invited to walk through the winding alleys, to cross hills, and even to ramble and rumble on the river to enter the mystic spaces where they will be stunned by realizing that art takes place everywhere. This issue’s Arts Up to Speed guides you to the special corners in the city selected by the Taipei Fringe Festival. Please come and join us to welcome the summer with your creativity and a hand-shaken drink!

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