Page 5 - 藝文指南針8月號
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輕鬆自在沒有理由不進場 跟好那個美國人,在巴黎搖起來
Relaxed! Why Not Join Us in Swinging? Follow That American to Shake it Up in Paris!
長期久坐、腰椎痠痛的觀眾請小心,這個八月得要動起來。夏日除了各個角落、廣場搖擺的爵 士啪踢(s)之外,改編自經典電影《花都舞影》的音樂劇《一個美國人在巴黎》,即將在臺中 國家歌劇院降落,直送來自百老匯與倫敦西區的壯觀體驗。
《一個美國人在巴黎》由芭蕾舞大師克里斯多夫・惠爾登結合芭蕾與音樂劇,完美演繹跨界作曲 家喬治・蓋希文代表歌曲,與金獎舞台設計鮑伯・克勞利原裝復刻巴黎風味。講述三位夢想成 為藝術家的年輕男子,在追逐夢想的道路上交會,卻意外愛上同一個努力成為芭蕾女伶的美麗 女孩。本劇2014年巴黎首演後,讓百老匯及倫敦西區熱潮狂燒,英國《每日快報》更稱是「少 有音樂劇能夠做到的壯觀視覺體驗」。
這個月,阿特小編將先旋轉三圈半後,帶大家科普一下傳說中的「共融劇場」,如何透過環 境、服務的規劃,讓觀眾們不進劇場的理由只剩沒有時間。本期阿特直送,將從環境、服務與 「輕鬆自在」的概念,解開物理與心理上的鎖鏈,共同融入精采每一個瞬間。
Attention, those who suffer from back pains! Let’s shake it up together this August! In addition to the jazz parties scattered in the corners of summer days, the musical An American in Paris, inspired by the classic film of the same name, is to arrive at National Taichung Theater and brings you the spectacular experience directly from New York’s Broadway and London’s West End.
Adapted by contemporary ballet master Christopher Wheeldon, the musical An American in Paris combines elements of musical as well as ballet to perfectly re-interpret the songs written by the cross-border composer George Gershwin. With the stage designed by Tony Award winner Bob Crowley, the musical genuinely re-presents the Paris’ flavor to tell a story of three young artists meeting at the crossroad of pursuing their dreams and falling in love at the same time with a beautiful girl who is striving to become a ballerina. Since its premiere in Paris in 2014, the musical has overwhelmed the Broadway in New York and the West End in London. The Daily Express in the UK praised it as “A visual splendour that few musicals can match.”
Also in this issue, the editor of “Arts Up to Speed” will take three turns first and lead you to better understand the mysterious concept, inclusive theater, with the knowledge of popular science. Through the environment, service and the “relaxed performance” concept, we try to unlock the physical and psychological chains that prevent the audiences from going into theaters and lead you to be integrated into every moment of wonders. With the considerate planning in the environment and service, don’t say “I don’t have time” anymore as you now have no excuse for not entering theaters(and concert halls as well).