Page 7 - 藝文指南針10月號
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                身體是對抗世界最親密的武器 今年秋天標配請入手 “Bodies, the Most Intimate Weapons Against the World”– Standard Equipment for This Autumn, Limited Offers Only! 走出行星逆行的酷熱季節,擺脫天地都已讀不回的各種故障與腦袋短路,秋天一個move操起麥 克風堵向面前,卻不是問你明年大選支持誰。今年秋天請聆聽薦骨的聲音,無論骨刺、坐骨神 經痛或對這個世界感到頭痛,別再打控八控控,請直走入手2019舞蹈秋天! 「身體,是對抗世界最親密的武器!」身體是一個很棒的東西,每個人都有一個。燥熱、壓力 讓身體自然反應保護人體;安全遭到威脅,身體也成為個人最直接對抗危險與過期催淚彈的工 具。2019舞蹈秋天,從自備武器國艦國造出發,與林懷民、鄭宗龍、阿喀郎.汗、麥特.英格 瓦森等國內外藝術家一起。此時此刻,與舞者身體一同坦白辯證戰爭爆力、色情消費、全球暖 化、資訊焦慮,無論同溫層跟非同溫層,都在這裡。我們不確定走出劇場時是否會有解答,但 唯一確定的是位子只會越來越少。 要練舞就去練舞室練(時代的眼淚),但誰說只有跳舞的人才可以在舞團工作?本期阿特直送, 將帶大家直擊舞蹈演出的幕後,那些在舞團裡工作卻不負責跳舞的人們,都在忙什麼。 The summer heat with the planets’ retrograde motion is over! Let’s get over being ignored by all sorts of failures and short circuits in the brains! Autumn is coming! A microphone is pushed to your face but nobody cares about who you’re going to vote in the upcoming election. In this autumn, please listen to the voice of sacrum. Be it back pain, or joint pain, or simply headache from looking at the world, do not look further for remedies! Just join us in the 2019 Dancing in Autumn! “Bodies, the most intimate weapons against the world!” Human bodies are one of the greatest things in our lives. Everybody has one. Bodies respond to heat and stress to protect human beings. When security being threatened, human bodies also act as instruments to defend against dangers of all kinds. In the 2019 Dacing in Autumn series, we showcase such homemade weapond as LIN Hwai- Min and CHENG Tsung-Lung and also such foreign artists as Akram Khan and Mette Ingvartsen. Now, along with dancers’ bodies, let’s jointly defend against wars and violence, erotics and consumption, global warming, and information anxiety. No matter it is an echo chamber or not, they are all here. We are not sure whether you’ ll find the answers to all these questions, but one thing is for sure: there are limited offers only! While watching the fabulous dance performances in theaters, have you ever wondered about what lies behind the scenes? This issue’s "Arts Up to Speed" will take you to witness what those who work in dance companies but do not dance at all are doing.  EDITOR'S CHOICE 編輯推薦 

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