Page 7 - 2019藝文指南針11月號
P. 7

Classical Music Fans, Get Ready to Be Stunned! Concertgebouworkest, One of the World's Leading Orchestras, Is Coming to Taiwan!
沒錯!從消息曝光到現在,大家的下巴都還收不回來。這個11月,鳳凰來了!啊不是,是天 團阿姆斯特丹皇家大會堂管絃樂團,暌違四年將再度從產地直送,無毒無農藥璀璨登臺。
來自荷蘭的交響樂團巨星阿姆斯特丹皇家大會堂管絃樂團(請一口氣念完),由世界一流的演 奏家組成,天鵝絨般的絃樂合奏、明亮而個性鮮明的管樂,與各聲部的搭配幾乎渾然天成, 被認為是地表最強的交響樂團之一。11月,天團將與英國《留聲機》雜誌一致推崇的指揮天 王帕佛.賈維,以及活躍國際樂壇的德國鋼琴家拉斯.沃格特來臺演出。浪漫、沉思與恬淡 的福袋,一次收進左心室跟右心室,無論你是什麼粉,都將被他們醇熟、厚實的細膩演奏圈 好圈滿。
一個管絃樂團與幕前幕後人員,動輒 many many people 巡迴編制,究竟如何空運直送,讓音 樂 live 新鮮上演,本期阿特直送將與大家直擊音樂家們演出旅途,是如何將龐大的團隊與樂 器安穩寄達演出地點,趕緊繼續往下翻下去吧!
Yes, that’s right! The jaw-dropping news is true! In this November, the phoenix -- oh no, the Concertgebouworkest (RCO), one of the leading orchestras in the world – is to visit Taiwan again. After four years, it will deliver music as fresh as hand-picked vegetables directly from the origin of production! (And it’s organic!)
The Concertgebouworkest is composed of world-class musicians -- featuring the velvety color of the strings, the bright and characteristic wind instruments, as well as the instinct for blending all departments and solo virtuosity -- and is considered as one of the leading orchestras on the earth. In November, the RCO will collaborate with conductor Paavo Järvi, highly acclaimed by the Gramphone magazine, and German pianist Lars Vogt, one of the most sought-after musicians in contemporary Europe, to jointly perform in Taiwan. All the elements, whether it is romantic, contemplative, comforting or pleasing, are to be collected in one go! Whatever fans you are, you will surely be fascinated by their exceptionally warm and round sounds and the rich spectrum of colors of music.
How to transport a whole orchestra, including musicians and their instruments as well as staff behind the scene, for touring around the world to present the freshest music on the stage? This issue’s “Arts Up to Speed” will join musicians in their journey and witness how the whole team and the instruments are delivered to the destination safe and sound. Let’s read on!

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