Page 6 - 2019藝文指南針12月號
P. 6

與風流寡婦相約 逍遙自在告別2019
Seeing off 2019 in the Laughter of Die lustige Witwe
越接近一年的尾端,不管是MIT臺灣製造的演出創作,或是空運海運的舶來品(誤),觀眾們 行事曆已被越填越滿。看來大家最後一季,無論如何都得跟表演綁在一起了。請放棄抵抗, 一起在全臺各地山牧季移逐水草而居,逍遙告別2019!
還沒決定如何告別2019?不如跟著漢娜(誰)與國家交響樂團一同自奧匈帝國遙望巴黎吧! 即將於今年歲末逍遙上演的歌劇音樂會-《風流寡婦》,從「為富有寡婦漢娜尋找如意郎君, 防止鉅款流向國外導致小國經濟危機」的主軸開展,奧匈作曲家雷哈爾融合了嬉鬧有趣故事 線,與繁複多變的高超管絃技法。整部作品洋溢令人酣醉的「世紀末」風格和聲,這是喝著 香檳的華格納,藏著淡淡快意的馬勒,讓我們在歲末預約一晚歡樂!
歌劇劇情向來很有事,絕對是「鄉土劇」的基本款:《托斯卡》裡的變態恐怖情人、女主角 的淒厲了斷,以及《魔笛》中唱腔難度甚高,但一出場觀眾就想罵的跋扈大反派夜后。本期 阿特直送將報導,接下來還有哪些光溜溜的「好雷」,陪伴我們跨入2020年。
Theatergoers like you might agree that as we head toward the end of the year, our schedules are inevitably packed with shows, be they local Taiwanese productions or world-renowned stage shows. Why don’t we just continue to stick to the theater for the last quarter of 2019, and merrily bid it farewell in the laughter of our great shows?
So, here is an option for you: imagining the romantic city of Paris through the notes of Austro- Hungarian composer Franz Lehár and the stunning voice of Hanna the Merry Widow. This year’s year- end NSO opera concert Die lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) will tell the story of how a rich widow marries her Mr. Right and at the same time preventing her country from an economic crisis. Through the blending of a comical storyline and sophisticated orchestration techniques, Lehár embellished the opera in an inebriating fashion. It’s Wagner with champagne in his mouth; it’s Mahler giving off a sense of amusement. Let us reserve a night of laughter to celebrate the coming of the new year!
We all hate spoilers, but for well-known operas, spoilers could be the necessary evil. When we watch Tosca , we know that Tosca will eventually take that fatal leap; when we watch The Magic Flute , who doesn’t know that the Queen of the Night is the biggest villain of the show? The point is not about whether you know the plot or not, but how we unravel the story in a profound and mesmerizing way. Therefore, stay tune with us in the upcoming year because we have a lot more surprises hidden under these spoilers for you to uncover!

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