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                2020 TIFA 腦洞大開 靈光、才華通通都進來 2020 TIFA To Inspire, For All: Spark Your Creative Genius 過完這個冬季,你是否一如往昔(唱),全身毛細孔、大腦皺褶、銀行帳戶都興奮的顫抖著。 農曆春節後,2020 TIFA 台灣國際藝術節即將暖身啟動,從大師聯名新作,到全長達9小時鉅 作,看完可能問著自己「我是誰?我現在在哪裡?」2020台灣國際藝術節,讓腦洞大開,無 限想像力都進來。 2020年的台灣國際藝術節從全新作/經典作、台灣初登板/超級老朋友、到分區/不分區共 17檔節目,將目光聚焦於藝術帶給人們的啟發,其中包含新銳導演朱利安.戈瑟蘭挑戰精神 與膀胱的9小時鉅作《玩家、毛二世、名字》;新加坡導演王景生為魏海敏老師打造的聯名新 款《千年舞臺,我卻沒怎麼活過》;當代日本劇場超級大導野田秀樹作品《滾啦》;愛爾蘭編 舞家麥可.基根―多藍一舉對決經典芭蕾舞作《癲鵝湖》,以及楊景翔演劇團《我為你押韻- 情歌Revival》經典重製。請容我們提醒您,在行事曆撞得一塌糊塗的同時,記得大開腦洞, 把握靈光湧入的瞬間。 你曾截稿在即,苦無靈感,只能在走廊哼歌假裝淡定;或騎車時迎著超強逆風大唱全本《悲 慘世界》? 為何音樂劇的角色總是完全不顧他人的感受,情緒一來音樂就下。本期阿特直送 精選三檔「一言不合就唱歌」的音樂劇作品,走進現場,你的疑問是不是個問題不再重要, 聲帶暖身一下唱起來吧! Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight, and we surely are happy tonight with 2020 Taiwan International Festival of Arts (TIFA) right around the corner! By the next lunar new year, TIFA will be all ready to create goosebumps on your skin and fireworks in your brain with various masterpieces, including a collaboration between two prominent talents and a play that lasts for 9 hours. Hey! Prepare yourself (and your credit card) for the mind-blowing, muse- invoking programs of 2020 TIFA. You will have difficulties remembering who and where you are as you walk out of our theater. Focusing on the creative inspiration that theater brings, 2020 TIFA has prepared for its audience 17 plays and over 40 events, including Players, Mao II, The Names, a 9-hour play of Julien Gosselin with an ambition to challenge both your brain and your bladder; A Thousand Stages, Yet I Have Never Quite Lived, the brainchild of Singaporean director ONG Keng-sen featuring WEI Hai-min, the diva of Peking opera; One Green Bottle by Hideki Noda, the crackerjack theater director from Japan; Swan Lake / Loch na hEala, the classic reinvented by Irish choreographer Michael Keegan-Dolan, and Love Song –Rhyme for you (Revival), YANG's Ensemble’s take on the well-received play. As you take great pains to fit every must-see into your schedule, don’t forget to keep your mind open and let the fireworks of arts spark your creative genius. Have you ever sung through the solos from Les Misérables on one of your scooter trips against the winter wind? Music is no sweat for the tormented characters. Check out Arts Up to Speed’s selection now for three brilliant musicals that will cleanse your soul from the non-stop Christmas songs of the season.  EDITOR'S CHOICE 編輯推薦 

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