Page 5 - 2020藝文指南針11月號
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                OPENTIX登場,訂閱你的Live文化生活 Your new friend for a cultural life: OPENTIX
再翻回封面看看,有看到我們的新夥伴──OPENTIX嗎?11月中旬,OPENTIX將上線試營運, 並在「兩廳院售票系統」於2021年初退役時起跑接力。接下來的日子,請與OPENTIX一起, 訂閱你的Live文化生活。
OPENTIX是全新的文化生活平臺,透過網站與App服務提供了新的購票體驗,除了大家熟悉的 音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、傳統戲曲票券,更能探索不同的展覽、電影或學習活動。無論是Live或 是Life,人人都可以在這裡找到自己的文化生活態度。在這段系統接力的時間,兩廳院售票 系統(OpenArts)與OPENTIX的票務服務,將按照原本啟售的系統各自運作。下次掃票入場 前,先加入我們的行列吧。
你有曾聽著壁爐燒柴的嗶剝聲,或是咬下酥脆零食的嘎聲時,感到一陣酥麻的經驗嗎?這種 因大腦收到感官刺激而雄雄感到愉悅的反應,被稱作ASMR。本期阿特直送,從音樂宇宙中精 選了幾個有著激似ASMR效果,讓人感到「我是在天堂嗎」的段落,頸枕帶著一起走進有聲音 的阿特直送。
Now check out the cover again--that's our new friend, OPENTIX. This mid-November, we will launch a soft opening of OPENTIX's online services, which will take over ArtsTicket System when 2021 arrives. Let OPENTIX fill your life with cultural events in the coming days.
OPENTIX is a brand new cultural life platform that provides online and on App services. In addition to its new ticket system for concerts, plays, dances, and traditional dramas, OPENTIX also introduces various exhibitions, films, and lectures to the audience. We assure that everyone can find the right live performance here and achieve a particular cultural lifestyle. During the turn of ArtsTicket System (OpenArts App) and OPENTIX will provide ticket service individually as scheduled. Join us before coming to concert halls and theaters for the next program.
Ever feel that tingling sensation creeps up your spine when you hear the fireplace's crackling sound or the chunky sound when you bite on crispy cookies? This is ASMR, a sensory reaction triggered by auditory or visual stimuli. This issue's Arts Up to Speed selects some paradise-like passages with similar ASMR effects from the music universe. Find out more in this acoustic issue of Arts Up to Speed. Lay back and relax!

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