Page 7 - 2020藝文指南針12月號
P. 7

                穿越零下氣溫 鐘聲響起揮別2020
Brave the Cold with the Bells and Wave Goodbye to 2020
似乎什麼都有可能發生的2020年,充滿著挑戰與驚喜。每年的尾聲,國家交響樂團總以音樂 告訴我們,其中一種迎接新年的方法。這次,他們將帶著大家穿越雪一片一片一片的俄國, 享受鐘聲劃過零下氣溫在空氣中微微震動。
今年最後一晚,2020 NSO歲末音樂會《北國鐘聲》,藝術顧問呂紹嘉與國家交響樂團,萃取 來自多個俄國作品,以美聲搬演俄國作曲家特有的動聽旋律,與歌唱式的表現手法。自柴科 夫斯基筆下感嘆著青春住了誰的《尤金•奧涅金》;至穆梭斯基深深刻劃皇室人物與平民心 理的《霍凡斯基之亂》和《鮑利斯•郭多諾夫》。最終以拉赫瑪尼諾夫《鐘》,在人聲與管 弦樂團演奏中,走過人自童年、成長洗禮又歸於平靜的四個階段。教堂鐘聲,是拉赫瑪尼諾 夫相當著迷的聲響。然而鐘聲究竟是喜悅,或告別,只有身在現場才能分曉。
這個五味雜陳的一年,該如何準備大手揮揮與它說再見?除了與家人、朋友一同舉杯,迎接 新的一年外,本期阿特直送精選數個飛奔跨過2020年的精彩節目。今年看的最後一個表演, 又該走進哪個現場?緊握扶手,2021年即將到來!
2020 is filled with challenges and surprises; a year seems like anything is possible. Every year the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) brings us a musical way to embrace the new year. This year NSO will lead the audiences to travel to Russia and pass through the floating and dancing snowflakes, getting a thrill out of the bell's resonation in the freezing air.
With the New Year's Eve Concert "The Bells," artistic advisor Shao-chia Lü and NSO present highlights from various Russian composers, performing the unique sweet melody and song-like expression in the style of bel canto. The repertories include Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin , a lamentation for youth and love, and Mussorgsky's Khovanshchina , and Boris Godunov, two subtle depictions of the mental states of the royals and the commoners. The program concludes with Rachmaninoff's The Bells. Amid the soloists, choir and orchestra, we journey through stages of human life: childhood, adulthood, and the twilight. Rachmaninoff fascinates the church's bells, but does the sound represent joyfulness or a sign of adieu? One will only know attending the live experience.
How should we bid farewell to this tough year? You can take a cup of kindness with families and friends to roll into the new year, or you can choose a last show for this year from the select programs in this issue's Art Up to Speed for a memorable New Year's Eve. Get all set to welcome 2021!

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