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                在科技的真實與虛擬間 2020 NTT-TIFA 挑戰,沒有極限
Between Technological Reality and Virtuality: 2020 NTT-TIFA, Taking on Challenges and Setting No Limits
準備週末各種南、北漂的觀眾請就定位,穿梭全臺劇場與音樂廳人類遷徙即將展開。歌劇院 2020台灣國際藝術節從當代科技的策展理念出發,透過浮空投影、人體感測等科技,穿越 真實與虛擬,重新探索親情、手足或摯愛的人類情感。九檔精采故事,將震撼你所習慣的日 常,挑戰劇場與感官極限。
入場前,3D眼鏡都戴起來,即將於今年NTT-TIFA登場的《奪愛最終回》,由芬蘭編舞家諾拉. 漢努拉結合日本動畫、電玩遊戲,與丹麥埃爾西諾文化庭院開發的4D Box智慧舞台浮空投影 技術,劇情描述女主角意外發現男友曖昧對象,居然是虛擬人物索瑪。於是女主角登入程式 找到索瑪,展開超空間「分手擂台」爭霸。究竟是血肉之身的元配,還是完美設定的虛擬人 物,會贏得愛情最終的一席之地?讓我們看下去。
舞監說:「請走」,舞臺、音樂、燈光,與可能不是人類的藝術家,將與你開始一段回味無窮 或愛恨交織的旅程。然而在劇場裡,每一檔演出的旅程早從貨櫃靠岸開始,直到撤場夷為平 地,本期阿特直送將走入「神秘劇場週的考驗」,告訴大家節目表上消失的檔期,一連串的空 格,劇場人們到底在忙些什麼?舞監淡淡地說:「超忙」。
Traveling afar to see a good show? Buckle up, please! A human migration throughout Taiwanese performance venues is about to begin. Featuring modern technology, the National Taichung Theater 2020 Taiwan International Festival of Arts (NTT-TIFA) incorporates holography, body sensors and other technologies to traverse the real and virtual worlds. The festival will feature nine productions that re-explore human affection among family, siblings and lovers. Nine exceptional stories, about to shake our familiar notions of everyday life while challenging the limits of theater and human perception.
3D glasses at the ready before you enter. To be presented in NTT-TIFA this year, Finnish choreographer Noora Hannula’sThe Ultimate Battle incorporates elements of Japanese anime, video games, and hologram technology developed for the 4D Box by The Culture Yard in Elsinore, Denmark. The female protagonist accidentally finds her boyfriend flirting with a virtual character, Soma. She enters the virtual world to seek out Soma, launching a cross-reality duel between romantic rivals. Who will be the ultimate victor in love, the flesh-and-blood girlfriend or the perfectly programmed virtual lover?
At the stage manager’s “go”, the stage crew and all performers (human or non-human) will join the audience in a memorable journey of entangled emotions. In the world of theater, every production begins with the load-in and ends with the strike, when the set is torn down and the production space is emptied. This issue’s “Arts Up to Speed” will delve into the challenges of the mysterious production week. What keeps the production team occupied during the blank slots on the program calendar? As the stage manager would casually say, “A hell of a lot.”

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