Page 7 - 藝文指南針4月號
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2020衛武營TIFA|當代音樂平台 挺進當代音樂最前線
Joining the Contemporary Scene with 2020 Weiwuying TIFA: Contemporary Music Platform
儘管近來這世界乍看之下有點灰,但這一刻我們一起走出害怕後面,讓聲音與空間、時間; 樂器與電聲交互作用。4月11日起,2020衛武營TIFA | 當代音樂平台,由傳奇巨擘彼得.于 特福斯出任駐節藝術家,七檔展演以及系列活動即將登場,耳朵與各種受器請開啟,通行全 系列節目的限量All Pass隨身攜帶,除了全系列展演一把抓,更可挺進排練現場,直擊幕後大 小事。
2020衛武營TIFA | 當代音樂平台,將聚焦「可見&不可見」的主題,上演各種以音樂為核心 的當代表演藝術作品。4月,我們將穿越現場音浪竄入作品誕生的脈絡。駐節藝術家彼得.于 特福斯將帶來個人精選作品,並由臺灣弟子廖曉玲與楊書涵分別指揮專場音樂會與大師班成 果音樂會。法國游牧工廠室內樂團與小提琴手吳思樺,將室內樂與電聲炙燒連結,音樂現場 旋即化作黑盒子劇場。而風笛家克哈維將與布列塔尼四重奏、舞者米卡耶.費利波,強強聯 手挑戰風笛演奏極限。站在音樂與科技的邊界,絕頂高超的live演出即將展開。
相對動輒百人的交響樂團演出,有時絃樂三重奏僅三人登臺也能激情合奏。這種被稱為「室 內樂」的演出形式,仰賴樂手絕頂的默契與演奏能力,每人都缺一不可。本期阿特直送將微 微打開「室內樂宇宙」,到底鋼琴三重奏需不需要三臺鋼琴,說好的木管演出怎麼會有法國 號?馬上翻開本期OpenArts 藝文指南針。
You may hide yourself from the funest epidemic behind a surgical mask, but you cannot hide yourself from the finest chemistry between traditional and electroacoustic music, between music, space and time! Starting from April 11th, 2020 Weiwuying TIFA: Contemporary Music Platform will present seven performances and a series of events with the legendary Peter Eötvös as your artist- in-residence. Tune up your ears —— or any other receptor you are to exercise —— and enjoy the ride with an All Pass (All-in-one Pass) granting your access to every event!
Featuring the theme of The Visible and Invisible, 2020 Weiwuying TIFA: Contemporary Music Platform incorporates diverse contemporary works with a focus on music. Prepare yourself for an adventure in April through the forest of music, into the matrix of creativity! Artist-in-residence Peter Eötvös will grace us with his selected works as LIAO lin and YANG Shu-han conduct the Feature Concert and the Master Class Concert, respectively. Ensemble Fabrique Normande from France and violinist WU Szuhwa will work together to combine chamber music and electroacoustic sound into a live black-box performance. Also, with the company of Mickaël Phelippeau and the SONNEURS, Erwan Keravec will present the audience with awe-inspiring music through his magical bagpipes! The live performances traversing between the realm of music and technology are the ones you cannot miss.
Compared to a full-size orchestra, a string trio is also elegantly versatile in expressing either passion or gentleness. Musicians who play chamber music work wonders with their musical skills and the skills of communicating with each other through a single look. In the chamber music universe, every musician is indispensable. Check out this month’s Arts Up to Speed for a dose of chamber music! Does a piano trio consist of three pianos? What is a french horn doing in a wind quintet? Enjoy this issue ofOpenArts Compass!