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                第一百種告別的方法 NSO《馬勒第九》
100 Ways to Say Goodbye: NSO & Mahler's Symphony No.9
夏天總是被細細微雨領來,這段得一邊唱〈魔王〉,一邊內外夾攻大力腕的日子裡(明明是生 日快樂歌),是否也想念著舞臺側的小門打開,不自覺鼓起掌的時光?這個六月,國家交響 樂團現任音樂總監呂紹嘉,將在任期尾聲以馬勒所完成的最後一部交響曲──《第九號交響 曲》,寄寓為給臺灣樂迷離別前的限時掛號。
說再見的無數方法中,呂紹嘉與NSO將用「時間」紀念與樂迷們共享的生命片刻。在名為告 別的時間裡,海頓將看也看不清的小聰明佐入《告別》交響曲,以幽默解開勞資糾紛;而馬 勒的最後一部交響曲,則在無數的探索後回歸器樂四樂章的編制,將人生傷痕化為赤誠的吶 喊。在馬勒宇宙裡,愛與死亡互相映照,人生的光明與黑暗得以共處。生命的美好與寂滅, 時間將與我們細細品味。
欣賞演出,我們用票券交換了時間。每年銷售超過六千場次的「兩廳院售票」,除了自己的票 自己賣外,也提供全國表演團體票券銷售服務。本期阿特直送,將帶領大家極速導覽「兩廳 院售票」後台,一睹節目是如何上架開賣,將觀眾送進各個正發生表演的角落。
The island’s summer always arrives with drizzling rain. In this time of endless-handwashing, while singing Der Erlkönig (or Happy Birthday twice), have you miss those days when we applaud right after the doors on the wings were opened? This June, Lü Shao-chia, current music director of the National Symphony Orchestra, will conclude his term with Mahler’s last symphony as a goodbye love letter for fans in Taiwan.
Lü and the NSO had chosen two pieces related to “time” to commemorate moments shared with their audiences. In Abschiedssinfonie or the “Farewell” Symphony, Haydn sprinkled countless clever play into the score, humorously solving the dispute between the prince and the musicians. After a lifelong exploration, Mahler’s last completed symphony returns to the typical instrumental music with four movements, transforming the scars of life into a blunt cry of sincerity. In Mahler’s universe, love and death mirror each other, brightness and darkness coexist. “Time” will accompany us to savor the beauty and nirvana of life.
We buy tickets and exchange our time for performances. Each year more than 6,000 programs, including those at National Theater & Concert Hall and nationwide, are sold on ArtsTicket System. Have you ever wonder about the launching process of these programs? Join this issue’s Arts Up to Speed on a quick behind-the-scenes tour of ArtsTicket System’s backstage and find out the magic before the show begins.

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