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Meet Me at the 2020 NTCH Summer Jazz Party
伸展一下蟄伏在家緊繃已久的筋骨,一期一會的兩廳院夏日爵士派對,集結國內菁英樂手重 磅回歸。從音樂廳到酒館,從酒館到戶外,8/12到9/13無處不爵士,不許不搖擺。無論要找 誰,就約在有爵士的地方吧。
適逢爵士樂大師查理.帕克百年冥誕,今年兩廳院夏日爵士派對將以三大主題策劃。樂手徐 崇育以「咆哮精神」號召,集結三組樂團再現咆哮樂時期的經典場景,向大師致敬;輕鬆自 在爵士夏午茶現場以「女性爵士家」為主題,一同認識爵士樂史上的傳奇女性們;兩廳院夏 日爵士節慶樂團總教練小號手魏廣晧,則將領軍多位好手與現場觀眾隨「曼波節奏」全場搖 擺。同時,年年萬人齊聚的爵士戶外派對,今年將由靈魂女聲 9m88、李守信與國會大樂團、 兩廳院爵士音樂營菁英大樂團,頂尖組合輪番登場。這晚整個廣場都是你的星空舞池,隨著 波波襲來的節奏,Play it now!
已經迫不及待回歸現場一起曼波嗎?振興三倍券與藝FUN券月中即將Combo出擊,本期阿特 直送將釋出使用攻略,無論更近距離體驗感動,或再多揪幾個人入團,什麼券都先入手,演 出即將開始。
Stretch out your body after the lengthy lockdown. The annual NTCH Summer Jazz Party returns with Taiwan’s most brilliant jazz musicians. From August 12 to September 13, jazz can be found in concert halls, local bistros, and the outdoors. Don’t restrain yourself from swinging to the music.
The 2020 NTCH Summer Jazz Party coincides with the centenary birthday of the jazz legend Charlie Parker, the festival has curated three themes accordingly. Brought to us by Vincent HSU, “Spirit of Bebop” pays homage to Charlie Parker. Three groups of musicians will take you closer to the historical hotspots of Bebop. With “Jazz Divas”, the Jazzy Afternoon presents to you three legendary female jazz musicians. At “Mambo Mambo”, the NTCH Summer Jazz Project and selected artists will perform under the direction of Stacey WEI. Moreover, the Outdoor Party, where thousands of people gather every year, will be hosted by soulful singer 9m88, Rafael LEE Shou-hsin and ensemble, and the NTCH Jazz Camp Orchestra. Let’s turn the Main Plaza into your dance floor!
Can’t wait to return and dance the Mambo? The Triple Stimulus Vouchers and Art coupons will soon be launched. In this issue’s Arts Up to Speed, we will provide you with insider tips to plan your dates. Get your tickets now and doll up for the show!

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