Page 9 - 藝文指南針3月號
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想像 真實之外的真實 2021 NTT-TIFA
2021 NTT-TIFA: Imagining the Reality beyond Reality
拉筋、伸展、小跑步預備,臺中國家歌劇院將帶你與你的想像力,直奔劇場深處。穿越文字 與現場、時間與空間、陰間或陽世,乃至真實與虛幻,2021歌劇院台灣國際藝術節將打開真 實之外的真實,輪番上陣的演出裡沒有什麼不可能。
今年三月,2021 NTT-TIFA即將展開,無論從童話、神鬼故事、或歷史長河出發,或藉著科技 的力量遊走真實與未來的邊緣,皆不離以「人」為故事的核心。透過無獨有偶工作室劇團與 德國圖賓根形體劇團《穿越真實的邊界》、阮劇團《十殿》、國光劇團《狐仙》,想像力在人與 非人之間馳騁。又或者讓科技引領穿越現實,比利時吻與淚創作群《指尖上的幸福人生》、梅 田宏明《存在粒子》與《並存序列》等。13檔精選強檔,將開啟對當前世界的現世反思與想 像。
2021年3月31日,兩廳院售票系統將於正式交棒給「OPENTIX兩廳院文化生活」,OpenArts藝 文指南針也將更名為OPENTIX藝文指南針。在2021年三月號編輯推薦的最後,要謝謝與我們 共渡美好的17年的你與你們。不許你中斷的文化生活,已在OPENTIX上線!
Jog a bit and stretch your body; National Taichung Theater is going to take you and your imagination into the heart of the theater. Traveling through words and stages, time and space, underworld and mundane world, or even truth and illusion, 2021 NTT-TIFA will open up the reality beyond reality. Nothing is impossible in this year's productions.
2021 NTT-TIFA starts this March and has a lot to offer. Whether inspired by fairy tales, legends of deities and spirits, and actual events or wandering the boundary of reality and future with technology, they are all about “the human being”. On the Edge of Reality by Puppet & Its Double Theater x figuren theater tübingen, Our Theatre's Palaces , and GuoGuang Opera Company's Fox Tales take our visions to soar between the world of human and inhuman beings. Belgian company Kiss&Cry Collective's Cold Blood , Hiroaki Umeda's Intensional Particle & Concurrent Sequence employ technology to bring us beyond reality. 2021 NTT-TIFA’s 13 brilliant selected programs will initiate the audience’s reflection and imagination on the current world.’
On the last day of March 2021, the duty of ArtsTicket will be officially passed to OPENTIX; OpenArts Compass will also be renamed as OPENTIX Compass. At the end of this month's Editor's Choice, we would like to express our gratitude to readers for spending the past wonderful 17 years with us. Explore OPENTIX now and continue to fill your life with our spectacular programs!