Page 7 - 藝文指南針5月
P. 7

                蜜糖再甜,也比不上找到回家的路 Nothing is Sweeter Than the Way Back Home 沒有一種糖,比回家這條路更甜。這個暑假,臺中國家歌劇院準備好一場,從童話世界出發 的奇異旅程。跟著韓賽爾與葛蕾特兄妹出發,哼著你可能也聽過的兒歌旋律,走進德國作曲 家洪伯定克的歌劇《糖果屋》裡。 即將在臺中國家歌劇院上演的《糖果屋》,由跨領域藝術家 Ballboss 擔任導演,以中型樂團 編制,將場景巧妙地搬到今天,描述韓賽爾與葛蕾特兄妹一家的冒險之旅。平日父母忙著填 補對生活貧窮的恐懼,卻忽略了寂寞的兄妹渴望著親人陪伴。某天兩兄妹誤闖了迷幻的森 林,在用盡機智逃離女巫用各種蛋糕、餅乾砌成的屋子同時,一家人也在這段返家之旅,從 迷失的現實中甜甜地尋回彼此的愛。 看劇怕雷更怕爆雷,但在舞臺的世界裡有些結局早已揭曉,作品或許來自文學或電影改編, 有的觀眾甚至是帶著結局走進演出現場。OPENTIX 本期阿特直送,將一同走進那些結局可能 早已寫好,卻在接下來的百多分鐘裡目眩神迷的即將登場。 This is a universal truth: home sweet home. Nothing is sweeter than the way back home. In 2021's summer vacation National Taichung Theater presents a fantastic journey into the world of fairy tales. Follow the brother and sister and hum along with famous children's songs, venturing together into German composer Engelbert Humperdinck's opera,Hänsel und Gretel. Directed by interdisciplinary artist Ballboss, NTT's production of Hänsel und Gretel is an adventure of the brother and sister that brilliantly sets against the backdrop of modern society with a sinfonietta orchestra. The parents are buried in dispelling the fear of being in poverty, therefore overlooking the brother and sister's longing for their company. One day Hänsel and Gretel stumble into an enchanted forest. As they desperately use their wit to escape the witch's cake and candy house, the loving and caring family also navigate their way through feeling lost, realizing the sweetness of family from this homecoming. No bad shows. More importantly, no spoilers. But sometimes, in the theater, the conclusion is unveiled beforehand. Plays could be adaptations of literary work or film; thus, audiences might come to live performances with the ending in their minds. This issue's Arts Up to Speed will take you on a trip through the up-coming programs. Though you may already have the full picture of their conclusions, these programs can still offer you a dazzling and dynamic experience.    5 EDITOR'S CHOICE 編輯推薦 

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