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                實驗,就是沒在怕 2021新點子實驗場 Who's Afraid of Being Experimental: 2021 NTCH Ideas Lab
被各地的即將上場填滿行事曆,無論是各處巡迴的地獄一日遊,或是收盡臺灣街巷生活脈動 的現代舞作,睽違一年仍舊精彩的初夏,無設限的創造力已急急在線等。2021年兩廳院「新 點子實驗場」也是。
「有輸過沒怕過,敢?」兩廳院「新點子實驗場」系列,以冒險為概念匯集了實驗精神與新 秀藝術家,2021年六月起集結出發冒險。廖海廷與其音樂團隊「噪音印製」與導演王世偉合 作,萃取疫情期間在虛擬空間交換日常紀錄而成的《虛擬日常》;由陳弘洋、吳子敬與邱柏 翔分別擔任編劇、導演以及影像設計《半金屬》,從超真實Gay Bar現場以多重視角觀看的生 命百態。林陸傑《Role Play》則以魔術、大型幻術重新再現20世紀魔術師程連蘇傳奇,探討 在真假間徘徊的傳奇人生。周翊誠則將以眼罩遮蔽觀眾視線銬上手銬,自《百年之囚》親身 感受臺灣壓迫史。不過實驗如同探險,入場以前,演出又將迸發出更多可能。
就像是探險,舞臺上將會發生什麼,關上門燈亮起後幾乎無法預期(甚至有時沒有燈也沒有 門)。除了能用手數著的音樂、戲劇或舞蹈,接下來OPENTIX上又有什麼既是表演,又不只 是表演的驚喜,翻開後面好幾頁鎖定本期阿特直送。
Surely your calendar has been listed with upcoming shows around the island, from the touring play that takes you on a one-day hell trip to the contemporary dance work that captures the vibrant rhythms of Taiwan's streets. With the artists' unlimited creativity about to explode, this early summer is as colorful as before. Of course, 2021 NTCH Ideas Lab will be equally exciting.
"I've been defeated but never chicken out. Try me!" This is the spirit of Ideas Lab. NTCH focuses on the concept of adventure and gathers newly emerging artists or experimental works. This June, let's assemble for all these ventures. Liao Hai-ting and her team, "Printed Noise Lab'', collaborate with director Vick Wang, extracting the everyday life records in virtual spaces to create Existence of Absent Reality. Got Me Looking So Crazy Right Now is a play that looks at the multi-perspective views of life from a quasi-genuine gay bar scene, produced by screenwriter Chen Hung-yang, director Wu, Zi-jing, and visual designer Chiu Bo-hsiang. Lin Lu-chieh's Role Play represents the legendary life of the 20th-century magician Chung Ling-soo with magic tricks and large-scale illusions, exploring the magician's glorious days that linger between reality and illusion. In Chou Yi-cheng's A Century's Dark Journey, the audiences will be blindfolded and cuffed to personally experience Taiwan's persecutory history. Being experimental is like going on an expedition; there can be more possibilities popping up before performing.
What will happen on the stage after doors are closed and lights turned off is unexpected (sometimes there is even no light, nor door), just as on an adventurous journey. Other than commonly known forms of performance such as concerts, plays, and dances, what more surprises does OPENTIX offer out of the blue? Go to Arts Up to Speed a few pages later to discover more!

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